
Nature, hard-working people and technological innovation have brought us to where we are today, and this is also what will carry us on into the future.


Nature, hard-working people and technological innovation have brought us to where we are today, and this is also what will carry us on into the future.


We believe in a long-term perspective and the sustainable utility of the region’s fantastic natural resources. For this reason, we invest heavily in research and innovation.

Environment & climate

Our ambition is to help reach global climate targets. We believe that better utilisation of the ocean as a source of food is among the most important measures to that end. This also makes it important to protect the ocean from industries with a large carbon footprint. Our actions range from using fish feed with a low CO2 footprint to land-powered rafts to thermal de-licing, which is drug free. For more innovative, sustainable solutions, see the articles below.

A generational perspective

Strong finances are the foundation of any long-term business enterprise. Our financial focus is not on the next quarterly or yearly settlement, but on sustainability for generations. We know that our industry is in international competition and vulnerable to economic fluctuations. Therefore, we keep a cool head, invest in people, business operations and technology, and consider it a privilege to be part of the greatest local community in the world.


Fra nedsenkbare merdar til stordata og kunstig intelligens: Innovasjon har sidan starten vore ein bærebjelke i vår drift og utvikling. Me er oppriktig stolte over å være blant dei verksemdene som set kursen for norsk oppdrettsnæring.