Chapter ⑤
Sustainability report


We want to set the standard for the future of aquaculture and to farm food in the sea for the future and coming generations. Therefore we invest in innovation in new feed ingredients, new farming technology and digitization. Read more about this here.
19 582
Harvest volume (wfe)
Equity (%)
CAPEX (million NOK)
19 582
Harvest volume (wfe)
Equity (%)
CAPEX (million NOK)


Climate adaptation and resilience​

Our vision is to set the standard for the future of aquaculture. This means we must also consider the consequences climate changes can have on aquaculture. Specifically, this involves reducing or avoiding the potential negative consequences that may arise as a result of climate changes. To achieve this, we need better control over conditions inside the pens, more insight into environmental changes, and the ability to influence water quality. Through over 50 years of experience in farming, we have learned that it's about finding solutions that work with the forces of nature rather than against them. Avoiding sea lice rather than removing them. Avoiding toxic algae rather than fighting against them. Using the properties of the clean water in the fjord to our advantage, rather than trying to change them. Based on this insight and experience, we have begun to visualize and realize the future of aquaculture - Watermoon. Through this strategic initiative, we aim not only to avoid most of the negative consequences but also to seize the opportunities that we expect to arise in the market as a result of the transition to a zero-emission society.​


Business conduct​

As a family business with a generational perspective, it is incredibly important to have good and ethical business practices. Everything we do must be done in line with our values. ​


Supply chain traceability​

We want to offer our customers full traceability of the salmon, with information about how and when the roe was hatched, what vaccines the fish has received, what feed it eats, slaughter time and so on. This is our main focus. In addition, we must ensure that suppliers in our value chain operate in line with laws and regulations and respect basic human rights. Third-party certifications are important here.​


Transparency Act Declaration​

Greenhouse gas accounts