Our vision

Set the standard for the future of aquaculture

Our promises

The most important is to have fun
Quality and fish welfare at the core
Responsible and eco-conscious production
Develop new technology and feed ingredients

Out focus areas and goals for sustainability

Focus on fish health and -welfare, responsible use of medicine and chemicals, sea lice management and control
Employee well-being and HSE, healthy and safe food, thriving local communities
Avoid escapes, minimize carbon footprint, eliminate waste and reduce emissions and discharge
Develop new farming technology for the future, R&D on new feed ingredients, profitable businesses

Our values

We share knowledge and experiences and work together to achieve common goals.
We have willpower, focus on what we can influence, and do not give up.
We trust each other and stand by our words and our actions.
We value and seek new ideas, and choose the best ones, regardless of where they come from.