Sustainability reportAbout us

Corporate governance​

The Eide group is a family-owned business where we as a family and as owners have many roles to play. Our goal is to be close to operations in order to have insights and a steady hand on the wheel when important decisions are made.

We aim to move the office closer to the farm, and the farm closer to the office. In addition to being active owners we also make up the Board of Directors of the group and hold managing positions in the company. Here, the whole family is present all the way from the fish farm to the board room and the general assembly. ​

A great strength of this model is our ability to be hands-on and make quick decisions. This gives us the ability to change fast, whether it is to exploit an opportunity in the market or to solve a problem. This is an important factor in an industry and a time where changes occur faster than ever before.  The flip side of this model is that we have many roles to handle which can be challenging at times. It can also increase the risk of conflicts of interest and unclear roles and responsibilities. The model also places a lot of responsibility on us as owners to ensure that critical issues are identified and reported to us and to other stakeholders. We solve this by ensuring that we have good routines for internal control and a strong team around us in the group management, which also has a specific responsibility for managing sustainability topics. Our Code of Conduct is available to all employees for guidance in good business practices. More detailed procedures are available in our quality system for selected areas. When in doubt employees can seek advice from the nearest manager.​

We have implemented a whistleblower routine where all employees can report and raise concerns about the organization’s business conduct or other inappropriate conduct at the workplace without reprisals for the person raising the concern. The procedure is available to all employees and includes the opportunity to raise concerns outside of the normal escalation process through management levels or anonymously if necessary. ​

In addition, we actively use internal and external audits and certifications. From audits of annual accounts and climate accounts, to audits according to the Global GAP standard and technical audits of, among other things, NYTEK requirements.​

Significant instances of non-compliance
GRI 2-27a
Number of fines for non-compliance
GRI 2-27b


No critical concerns were raised in 2023 and there were no significant breaches of laws or regulations. No fines or other sanctions has been imposed on group companies by the authorities for breaches of laws and regulations. ​

We define significant and critical conditions as conditions that can have a serious negative impact on one or more of our four F’s; Folk, Fish, Fjord (incl. environmental impact) or Future (incl. financial impact).

Ethical guidelines​

We have established ethical guidelines and policy commitments that apply to all the companies in Eide, the group. The guidelines are binding for all board members, managers, employees and others who represent Eide in business.​

The aim is to make clear what Eide stands for and to ensure integrity, good business conduct and culture throughout the organization.​

The ethical guidelines are approved by the board of the Eide group and are made available to all employees through our HSEQ-system. The content is also publicly available through the fact that the guidelines are included in this report under the related topics.​

The ethical guidelines include areas such as laws and regulations, safety, wages and working hours, information and personal data, notification of objectionable conditions, diversity and diversity, discrimination, use of drugs, child labor, forced labor, freedom of trade unions and anti-corruption.​

Process to remediate negative impacts​

We have action plans and policies to identify, address and remediate specific potential negative impacts. This includes, among other things, the risk of fish escaping from our sites or risk of oil spill from our vessels. You can read more about our measures related to handling a possible escape of fish under the chapter on wild salmon and our impact on it.​

We also have our own community contact, and our contact information is easily available on our website and on social media. This ensures that we get notified quickly and can fix things if something goes wrong. Examples of matters that we get notifications of through such channels are driftwood or waste, fish feed found in wild fish or the capture of fish that is suspected of being escaped farmed fish. ​

We feel that we have a good and constructive dialog with all the local communities where we operate and have not identified any significant negative impacts.​