Table of contents
Board of Directors and group management
The responsibility of the BoD
We carry out an annual audit of the company's goals and strategies, as well as the risk profile. In our risk assessments, the board places great emphasis on both the economic, social and environmental aspects of the business. We also carry out a self-evaluation of our board work at an annual basis.
The Board of Directors in the group has the ultimate responsibility for managing and controlling our impact on society and the environment. The board is responsible for reviewing and approving the annual sustainability report, including the definition of material topics. In addition, the BoD participates in meetings with different stakeholders and has an annual meeting with the independent auditor of the Group.
Since it is us as owners who also make up the Board of Directors of the group the process around board elections is not particularly formal and the family board is elected by us for an indefinite period of time. As a result of this, other stakeholder groups are not represented in the BoD. At the same time, we are aware of the need for different skills and backgrounds in the board and always assess whether there is a need for adjustments.

The composition and combined knowledge of the BoD
Today's board has broad expertise from a number of different subject areas, from research and engineering to economics, biology, management and law. We also seek external help and advise when needed.
In addition to being an owner and the Director of the Board, Randi is one of the most experienced employees of the company. She has been part of Eide since the mid-80s and has supported Knut Frode in building Eide, in addition to taking care of a very busy and extremely active family. She also has a degree in biology and performs important tasks in the administration and office-functions of the Group. She spends much of her free time outdoors, often at her cabin in the mountains at Geilo.
In addition to being an owner and member of the BoD, Erlend also holds the position as CTO in the Group. Erlend is trained in aquaculture and holds an engineering degree in subsea technology from HiB. He also holds a MSc in marine biology from NTNU in Trondheim. As a former active biathlon athlete, Erlend was born with exorbitant amounts of energy. He enjoys action-packed activities in his free time and is involved in everything from mountain biking to running in the summer to skiing and kiting in the winter. Erlend has been in Edie since 2018.
In addition to being an owner and board member, Sondre is also the CEO of the Eide group. He prefers to refer to himself as a third-generation salmon farmer, but is also educated with an MBA from San Francisco, a law degree at UiO, and a bachelor's degree in Business Administration. In addition to being CEO, Sondre also has important roles related to the sale and marketing of fish and follow-up of the group's investment in new technology, Watermoon. In his spare time, Sondre, as a former biathlete, likes to be active, especially on skis or bikes. In the junior WC Ruhpolding in biathlon 2008, Sondre won a silver medal. Sondre has been in Eide since 2015.

Group management
The responsibility for the day-to-day follow-up of the sustainability work lies with the management team of the group and group CEO. Group management has regular meetings where various sustainability topics are discussed and followed up. Incidents of importance are continuously raised with the group CEO and reviewed in the management team. Incidents of critical importance are immediately reported to the Board of Directors.
The group has implemented a system for risk assessment and non-conformity management of all types of risk, including assessment risks. This system and the routines surrounding it are described in greater detail under the topic HSE, "A safe place to work".
Responsibility for material sustainability topics
Chief Sustainability and Financial Officer, Christoffer Marøy is responsible for sustainability reporting as well as financial reporting and is part of the group management team. Our Quality Manager Olav Tveitnes, who has operational responsibility for following up on deviations, routines and procedures through our HSEQ management system is also included in the group management team. In addition to the members of the Group management our fish health manager is responsible for ensuring good fish health and welfare.