Eide uses the GRI Standards for annual voluntary reporting of sustainable development. The Standards comprise economic, environmental and social dimensions relating to an enterprise’s activities and products. We believe that our reporting is consistent with GRI's reporting principles in all material respects.
Part of report is audited by external, independent auditors. This applies for the Financial statements, Greenhouse gas accounts and GRI index which is audited according to ISAE 3410 and ISAE 3000. The auditor statements are included in the report.
The GRI Standards consists of universal standards, sector standards and topics standards. The general requirements applies to all reporting organizations, while the sector specific requirements apply only for companies in the applicable industry and the topic related requirements apply are selected based on materiality.
Our GRI index is included in this report and includes references to specific sections in this report as well as additional information that can be found on our website efb.no. The Index also include a reference to the disclosed information and gives an overview over the omissions and the reasons why omissions are applied. The reporting period for the report is 1.1.2023 – 31.12.2023 and the report is published and approved by the BoD together with the Financial statements. For questions about the report please contact our Chief Sustainability and Finance Officer, Christoffer Marøy.